- ulist.constructor.arange(start: int, stop: Optional[int] = None, step: int = 1, dtype: str = 'int') ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return evenly spaced values within a given interval, which is similar to the Python built-in range function, but returns an ulist rather than a list.
- Args:
- start (int):
Start of interval. The interval includes this value. If stop is not given, then start=0 and stop=start.
- stop (Optional[int], optional):
End of interval. The interval does not include this value. Defaults to None.
- step (int, optional):
Spacing between values. Defaults to 1.
- dtype (str, optional):
The type of the output ulist. ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’.
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr1 = ul.arange(3) >>> arr1 UltraFastList([0, 1, 2])
>>> arr2 = ul.arange(1, 4) >>> arr2 UltraFastList([1, 2, 3])
>>> arr3 = ul.arange(1, 6, 2) >>> arr3 UltraFastList([1, 3, 5])
- ulist.constructor.choices(obj: Sequence, size: int, dtype: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Choose element from a sequence randomly and endlessly until the size is met.
- Args:
- obj (Sequence):
Sequence object such as list, tuple and range.
- size (int):
size (int): Size of the new ulist.
- dtype (str):
The type of the output ulist. ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’.
- Raises:
- ValueError:
Parameter dtype should be ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
- ulist.constructor.cycle(obj: Sequence, size: int, dtype: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Repeats a sequence endlessly until the size is met.
- Args:
- obj (Sequence):
Sequence object such as list, tuple and range.
- size (int):
size (int): Size of the new ulist.
- dtype (str):
The type of the output ulist. ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’.
- Raises:
- ValueError:
Parameter dtype should be ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr1 = ul.cycle(range(3), 5, 'int') >>> arr1 UltraFastList([0, 1, 2, 0, 1])
>>> arr2 = ul.cycle((0.0, 0.1), 4, 'float') >>> arr2 UltraFastList([0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1])
>>> arr3 = ul.cycle([True], 3, 'bool') >>> arr3 UltraFastList([True, True, True])
>>> arr4 = ul.cycle(['foo'], 3, 'string') >>> arr4 UltraFastList(['foo', 'foo', 'foo'])
- ulist.constructor.from_seq(obj: Sequence, dtype: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Construct a ulist object from a sequence object.
- Args:
- obj (Sequence):
Sequence object such as list, tuple and range.
- dtype (str):
The type of the output ulist. ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’.
- Raises:
- ValueError:
Parameter dtype should be ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr1 = ul.from_seq([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype='float') >>> arr1 UltraFastList([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> arr2 = ul.from_seq(range(3), dtype='int') >>> arr2 UltraFastList([0, 1, 2])
>>> arr3 = ul.from_seq((True, True, False), dtype='bool') >>> arr3 UltraFastList([True, True, False])
>>> arr4 = ul.from_seq(('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), dtype='string') >>> arr4 UltraFastList(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
- ulist.constructor.random(size: int, dtype: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return a new ulist of random number in [0.0, 1.0).
- Args:
- size (int):
size (int): Size of the new ulist.
- dtype (str):
The type of the output ulist. ‘float’, ‘float32’ or ‘float64’.
- ulist.constructor.repeat(elem: Union[int, float, bool, str], size: int) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return a new ulist of given size, filled with elem.
- Args:
elem (ELEM): Element to repeat. size (int): Size of the new ulist.
- Raises:
TypeError: Parameter elem should be int, float, bool or str type!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr1 = ul.repeat(0, 3) >>> arr1 UltraFastList([0, 0, 0])
>>> arr2 = ul.repeat(1.0, 3) >>> arr2 UltraFastList([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
>>> arr3 = ul.repeat(True, 3) >>> arr3 UltraFastList([True, True, True])
>>> arr4 = ul.repeat('foo', 3) >>> arr4 UltraFastList(['foo', 'foo', 'foo'])
- class ulist.control_flow.CaseObject(nums: UltraFastList, default: ELEM)¶
This is designed to implement case method for UtraFastList. To provide an interface similar to SQL’s case statement.
- end() UltraFastList ¶
Execute the case statement.
- when(fn: Callable[[UltraFastList], UltraFastList], then: ELEM) CaseObject ¶
Calculate the condition, and keep the condition and element to use.
- Args:
- fn (Callable[[UltraFastList], UltraFastList]):
Function to calculate the condition.
- then (ELEM):
The element to use when the condition is satisfied.
- Raises:
- TypeError:
Calling parameter fn should return a ulist with dtype bool!
- TypeError:
The type of parameter then should be the same as default!
- Returns:
- ulist.control_flow.select(conditions: List[UltraFastList], choices: LIST_PY, default: ELEM) UltraFastList ¶
Return a ulist drawn from elements in choices, depending on`conditions`.
- Args:
- conditions (List[UltraFastList]):
The list of conditions which determine from which array in choices the output elements are taken. When multiple conditions are satisfied, the first one encountered in conditions is used.
- choices (LIST_PY):
The list of ulist from which the output elements are taken. It has to be of the same length as conditions.
- default (ELEM):
The element inserted in output when all conditions evaluate to False.
- Raises:
- TypeError:
The type of parameter default should be bool, float, int or str!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr = ul.arange(6) >>> arr UltraFastList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> conditions = [arr < 2, arr < 4] >>> conditions [ UltraFastList([True, True, False, False, False, False]), UltraFastList([True, True, True, True, False, False]) ]
>>> result = ul.select(conditions, choices=[0, 1], default=2) >>> result UltraFastList([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
- class ulist.core.UltraFastList(values: Union[FloatList32, FloatList64, IntegerList32, IntegerList64, BooleanList, StringList])¶
Ultra fast list data structures written in Rust with Python bindings, which is abbreviated as ulist.
- add(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self + other.
- add_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self + elem.
- all() Optional[bool] ¶
Whether all the elements of self are True.
- all_equal(other: UltraFastList) Optional[bool] ¶
Whether all elements in the same position of self and other are equal.
- and_(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self & other.
- any() Optional[bool] ¶
Whether any element of self is True.
- append(elem: Union[int, None, float, bool, str]) None ¶
Adds a new element at the end of the self.
- apply(fn: Callable[[ulist.core.UltraFastList], ulist.core.UltraFastList]) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return the result of fn(self).
- Args:
- fn (Callable[[UltraFastList], UltraFastList]):
Function to apply to self.
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr = ul.arange(3) >>> arr UltraFastList([0, 1, 2])
>>> result = arr.apply(lambda x: x * 2) >>> result UltraFastList([0, 2, 4])
- argmax() int ¶
Returns the indices of the maximum values of self.
- argmin() int ¶
Returns the indices of the minimum values of self.
- astype(dtype: str) UltraFastList ¶
Copy of self, cast to a specified dtype.
- Raises:
- ValueError:
Parameter dtype should be ‘int’, ‘int32’, ‘int64’, ‘float’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘bool’ or ‘string’!
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
- case(default: ELEM) CaseObject ¶
A method similar to SQL’s case statement.
- Args:
- default (ELEM):
The element inserted in output when all conditions evaluate to False.
- Returns:
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr = ul.arange(6) >>> arr UltraFastList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> result = arr.case(default=2) ... .when(lambda x: x < 2, then=0) ... .when(lambda x: x < 4, then=1) ... .end() >>> result UltraFastList([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
- contains(elem: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return whether the element of self contains elem.
- copy() UltraFastList ¶
Return a ulist copy of self.
- count_na() int ¶
Count of missing values.
- counter() Union[Dict[Optional[int], int], Dict[Optional[bool], int], Dict[Optional[str], int]] ¶
Return a dictionary where the elements of self are stored as dictionary keys and their counts are stored as dictionary values.
- div(other: UltraFastList, zero_div: bool = False) UltraFastList ¶
Return self / other.
- div_scala(elem: float, zero_div: bool = False) UltraFastList ¶
Return self / elem.
- ends_with(elem: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return whether the element of self ends with elem.
- equal(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self == other.
- equal_scala(elem: Union[int, float, bool, str]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self == elem.
- filter(condition: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
According to the condition, return a ulist with elements of self correspondingly.
- get(index: int) Union[int, None, float, bool, str] ¶
Return self[index].
- get_by_indexes(indexes: IndexList) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return self[indexes].
- greater_than(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self > other.
- greater_than_or_equal(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self >= other.
- greater_than_or_equal_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self >= elem.
- greater_than_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self > elem.
- has_na() bool ¶
Return NA in self.
- has_zero() bool ¶
Return zero in self.
- less_than(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self < other.
- less_than_or_equal(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self <= other.
- less_than_or_equal_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self <= elem.
- less_than_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self < elem.
- max() Union[int, float] ¶
Return the maximum of self.
- mean() float ¶
Return the mean of self.
- min() Union[int, float] ¶
Return the minimum of self.
- mul(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self * other.
- mul_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self * elem.
- not_() UltraFastList ¶
Return ~self.
- not_equal(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self != other.
- not_equal_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self != elem.
- or_(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self | other.
- pop() None ¶
Removes the last element of self.
- pow_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self ** elem.
- replace(old: Union[int, None, float, bool, str], new: Union[int, None, float, bool, str]) None ¶
Replace the old elements of self with the new one.
- set(index: int, elem: Union[int, None, float, bool, str]) None ¶
Set self[index] to elem.
- size() int ¶
Number of elements of self.
- sort(ascending: bool) None ¶
Sort self.
- Args:
- ascending (bool):
Ascending or descending.
- Returns:
UltraFastList: The sorted ulist.
- starts_with(elem: str) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Return whether the element of self starts with elem.
- str_len() UltraFastList ¶
Return each element’s string length of self.
- sub(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Return self - other.
- sub_scala(elem: Union[int, float]) UltraFastList ¶
Return self - elem.
- sum() Union[int, float] ¶
Return the sum of self.
- to_index() IndexList ¶
Convert self from BooleanList to IndexList by filtering the indexes where the element of self is True.
- Returns:
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr = ul.from_seq([True, False, True, True], dtype='bool') >>> arr.to_index() IndexList([0, 2, 3])
- to_list() Union[List[Optional[float]], List[Optional[int]], List[Optional[bool]], List[Optional[str]]] ¶
Return a list with the elements of self.
- union_all(other: UltraFastList) UltraFastList ¶
Concatenate self and other together as a new ulist.
- unique() UltraFastList ¶
Returns the sorted unique elements of self.
- var(ddof: int = 0) float ¶
Returns the variance of self.
- Args:
- ddof (int, optional):
Delta Degrees of Freedom - the divisor used in the calculation is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. Defaults to 0.
- Raises:
TypeError: Only support dtype int, float and bool.
- Returns:
float: variance
- where(fn: Callable[[ulist.core.UltraFastList], ulist.core.UltraFastList]) ulist.core.UltraFastList ¶
Calculate the condition by fn(self), and return a ulist with elements of self correspondingly.
- Args:
- fn (Callable[[UltraFastList], UltraFastList]):
Function to process self and return a BooleanList.
- Returns:
UltraFastList: A ulist object.
>>> import ulist as ul >>> arr = ul.arange(6) >>> arr UltraFastList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> result = arr.where(lambda x: x > 2) >>> result UltraFastList([3, 4, 5])